302 Zeis Hall, CPO 2040
One University Heights
Asheville, NC 28804
Office: 828.251.6444
Fax: 828.251.6623
- Professor of Biology
- dclarke@unca.edu
- 5151
- 326 Zeis Hall
- Steve and Frosene Zeis Professor, Assistant Professor of Biology
- mgrosser@unca.edu
- 255-7131
- 312 Zeis Hall
- Professor of Biology; Interim Director of Undergraduate Research
- rhale@unca.edu
- 232-5148
- 304 Zeis Hall
- Professor of Biology, Director of the University Honors Program
- greynold@unca.edu
- 5153
- 140 Karpen Hall
- Laboratory Manager
- mgreene3@unca.edu
- 232-5156
- 315 Zeis Hall